Tag Archives: Poetry

Attention Followers

24 Mar

imagesWelcome! Thank you for visiting The Pamphleteer Journal formerly known as Juan David. I have migrated to a different website.

This blog was discontinued. Thanks to those who read some of the pieces published here. 

Juan David Romero

Dear followers, I have migrated to a new WEB-PAGE.

21 Mar

imagesWelcome! Thank you for visiting The Pamphleteer Journal formerly known as Juan David. I have migrated to a different website. I welcome all of you to continue following me


If you have been following my blog, I encourage you to visit my new and improved site and continue to follow me by re-subscribing through my new website. Thank you for staying here with me! Friends and followers are really important to me, which is why I have decided to make this blog even better.

This current site will only be up until I have finished migrating all of the content to the new web-page.

Good luck and thank you! I really hope you like my new page. If you do, don’t hesitate to leave a comment or send me an email! :)

Juan David Romero


Living life as a Gay Persian.


A blog on all things Caribbean Music and Culture

The Disorder Of Things

For the Relentless Criticism of All Existing Conditions Since 2010

Maria Jastrzębska

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Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences


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Hispanic Link D.C.

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A Juniper Rose story